If you are about to go in for surgery here are a few tips:
Make sure you trust your surgeon - this is key!
Ask as many questions as possible. There is no such thing as a silly question so make sure you ask them.
Make sure you understand and think about all the risks involved no matter how hard it is to process! Anyone who knows me knows how independent and organised I am, it sounds silly but what helped me was writing a manual for my family to follow incase I woke up and couldn't talk or function anymore - it covered everything and I mean everything! This put my mind at ease knowing that should something happen I have put everything in place for my family.
Check your super or income protection plans in place - make sure you pass this onto a family member so they are aware should you need financial support
If you have health insurance it pays to go private as you are able to pick your surgeon and if you are in a private hospital you generally can request your own room (makes all the difference for recovery).
Pack a notebook to take any notes after the surgery when the doctors visit, it can be overwhelming when they come to visit and hard to remember everything.
Pack your phone so you can facetime friends and family (of course when you feel up to it). This made all the difference when I was staring at the four walls all day!
Get some baby shampoo ready for when you can wash you hair post surgery, one of the best ones I found was MooGoo baby shampoo.
Post surgery buy some gauze squares to use after a shower to pat your wound dry.
Finally.....as hard as it is...try to relax!