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Our Little Miracle!


Updated: Feb 24, 2022

She arrived at 6:41pm on 4 January 2018, 5 weeks early! I became a mum, Doug became a dad and we now had a little family! After everything all our dreams had finally come true!

Knowing that I could not have any MRIs during pregnancy was worrying at times, I would get a headache and then start to think..... "is it growing", "what will happen if it gets big again and I have a seizure", "will my baby be ok".... all the worry was worth it!

Following the birth in January 2018 I had a follow up MRI in February. Anxious was an understatement...the follow up consult could not come quick enough.

The reason we were concerned was because the tumour biopsy in 2009 showed that my tumour was receptive to hormones - this is why a number of women only find out they have a tumour when its triggered during pregnancy with the constant change in hormones.

I can remember when I heard the words "no change" and "stable"! I was so relieved - I felt like we could finally move on with our lives and enjoy life without living scan to scan.

Doug, my husband had been with me since 2006 (3 years prior to us first discovering the tumour )....lets just say he is one of a kind - he has had my back through the good, bad and the ugly. We have overcome so many challenges together, it has definitely made us stronger than ever. This pregnancy meant the world to us as we did not know if it was ever going to be possible for us to have our own child - given the previous surgery, radiation I had received and the type of tumour it was. We had overcome the unknown and our dreams had come true!

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