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Tissue Expander

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

On 7 March 2022 I underwent surgery to have the tissue expander placed at the back of my head under my scalp. Waking up in recovery I noticed intense pain where the expander was placed, because it is at the back of my head it has been a struggle to sleep and get comfortable. I also have a tube at the back of my head to drain any excess blood, along with sutchurs to hold the incisions together.

I have felt quite nauseous and have not been able to eat. After a shower it did make me feel better but the pain is definitely still there! My doctor visited this morning and he was happy with how it went, he wants to keep the drain in for another 24 hours and will check it again tomorrow. Next steps will involve letting the wound recover and ensuring my body doesn’t reject the tissue expander. From there I will have regular appointments to inject fluid into the tissue expander to gradually expand the skin.

It is a long road ahead but I just have to keep remembering short term pain for the long term gain!

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